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A ministry of St. Stephen's & St. Joseph's Parishes

Your continued contributions are greatly appreciated. We offer various ways that you can make your offerings:

 - Mail your offering to the parish office:

              St. Joseph                                                    St. Stephen

              1709 Wyatt Avenue                                    1401 Clark Street

              Stevens Point, WI 54481                            Stevens Point, WI 54481

 - Use your banking institution's online bill pay service to have contributions sent to directly to the parish.

 - Sign up for Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) using this FORM.

 - Use the below links as a secure way to contribute through the Diocese.

              St. Joseph                                                    St. Stephen

St. Stephen Parish

1401 Clark Street

Stevens Point WI 54481


St. Joseph Parish

1709 Wyatt Avenue

Stevens Point WI 54481

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