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Safe Environment Training for Parents

You are invited to view the Safe Environment program that is required for all volunteers and staff of our parish.


This is not something that you are required to view but are encouraged. Please know that if you wish to volunteer during our Religious Education year as a classroom assistant, at a retreat, or any other function; you will be required to complete this process.


Safe Environment Training for Parents consists of three main components; the (red book), On Sexual Misconduct for the Diocese of La Crosse, the (green book), Child Sexual Abuse Policy and Procedures of the Diocese of La Crosse, and viewing the Protect and Heal Training video. 


If you have any difficulties viewing these items and need assistance, please contact the parish office at 715-341-1617 ext. 101.

St. Stephen Parish

1401 Clark Street

Stevens Point WI 54481


St. Joseph Parish

1709 Wyatt Avenue

Stevens Point WI 54481

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