It takes the hard work and dedication of many to keep our parish viable, functioning, and active. Under t he leadership of the Pastor, the Parish has the following Councils and Committees.
Click on the name of council or committee listed below to taken directly to more information about each one.
Parish Council
§1 The parish council is a consultative body (Canon 536 §2) by which the Christian faithful of a parish, together with those who have pastoral authority in the parish, “give their help in fostering pastoral activity” (Canon 536 §1). Its work is to be informed and inspired by the vision of the Church, exemplified in the teaching of the Second Vatican Council.
§2 The ways by which it fulfills its shared responsibility are: the spiritual enrichment and growth of its members; the study of the Christian life of the People of God with special attention to their Christian vision, needs and hopes; the discernment of the relationship of the pastoral activity of the parish to the legitimate needs and hope of the parish community; the help in establishing priorities among the various aspects of the pastoral activity of the parish; and the formation of policy and the development of programs of pastoral activity.
§3 The clear distinction between policy formation, the proper work of the parish parish council, and administration, the proper work of the pastor and parish staff, should be maintained. At the same time, members of the parish staff should offer to the parish council their knowledge and judgment regarding questions under discussion.
Fr. Jeffrey Hennes
Donna Bella
Ron Blaha
Phil & Lynn DiSalvo
Dr. James Ford
Joe Kinsella
Jennifer Knapp
Randy Stroik
John & Mary Sullivan
Mission Statement:
Faithful Church members of the St. Stephen Parish Council represent our parishioners in an advisory capacity to our Pastor, helping to establish church priorities and discuss policies in conjunction with the Finance Council and in partnership with the Sacred Worship, Justice & Peace, Family Life, Buildings & Grounds, and Education Committees.
Finance Council
§1 The parish finance council is a consultative body which helps the pastor to act justly and prudently in the administration of the parish’s temporal goods. Its work is to be informed and inspired by the vision of the Church, exemplified in the teaching of the Second Vatican Council.
§2 The ways by which it fulfills its shared responsibility are: the spiritual enrichment and growth of the members; formation of financial policies, including the devising and regular monitoring of a parish budget, and of policies for the proper maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the parish; long-range financial planning; preparation of an annual financial report; and attention to civil law pertaining to the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.
§3 The clear distinction between policy formation, the proper work of the parish finance council, and administration, the proper work of the pastor and parish staff, should be maintained. At the same time, members of the parish staff should offer to the finance council their knowledge and judgment regarding questions under discussion.
Phil DiSalvo
Jack Edgerton
Sue Kedrowski
Sacred Worship
Polly Adams
Rick Giese
Kathy Kawleski
Karen Kvatek
Laurie Rosicky
Family Life
Mission Statement
To enrich the lives of all parishioners and families through activities and social-building events that promote fellowship and more meaningful recreation that create a greater sense of parish community.
Phil & Lynn DiSalvo
Social Justice
Mission Statement:
Giving St. Stephen's parishioners the opportunity to educate and involve themselves in real, Catholic social justice issues in Stevens Point through established infrastructure.
David Mueller
Education Committee
Mission Statement:
To Lead all Souls to Christ by fostering the educational elements in the People of God where they may discover the good, true, and beautiful through prayer, tradition, and sacrament.
Members - St. Stephen
Rick Giese
Christine Sommers
Members - St. Joseph
Leo Jacoby
Cynthia Mazoch
St. Stephen Parish
1401 Clark Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481
St. Joseph Parish
1709 Wyatt Avenue
Stevens Point, WI 54481